IFCJ - The Fellowship House

More projetcs

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The International Fellowship of Cristians and Jews Foundation is a philanthropic foundation that helps the poor, the elderly and new immigrants in Israel.

Recently, IFCJ decided to concentrate all its activities in Israel in a new  building, in a plot of 3 dunams on Hanoch Albeck Street in Jerusalem. The proposed building, covering an area of ​​about 8,000 square meters, will include the Foundation's headquarters in Israel, a Convention Center for seminars for the organizations working with the foundation, as well as a Visitor's Center.

Our office has been involved in the project from the initial  stage, through writing the brief, preparing a closed competition for selecting the project architect, and since then leading the project's ongoing steering committee. The architect chosen was Plesner Architects from Tel Aviv. Project Manager - Tafnit Wind Office. Recently, the building permit was received, and the implementation stage began. We are currently involved in the design of the Visitor's Center.

GlobalEx         טל: 03-6760602

ת.ד. 7639, רמת גן מיקוד 52176



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תודה רבה!

הטופס נשלח בהצלחה.


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שדה חובה

שדה חובה



 Ben Yehuda st. 7 Jerusalem

Phone :02-6256211

Fax: 02-6257211


Secretary - Shirin:      alonalifoffice@013net.net

Alona Lifshitz:                         alonalif@013.net

Vera Spivak:                               verasp@013.net

Yair Ben Gad:                            yair.bg@013.net

Naama Slosman:                    nslosman@013.net

Avishai Ben-Abba:       avisalon@netvision.net.il

Accessibility statement

After conducting an investigation, we believe that we are exempt from site accessibility because we do not provide a public service. Therefore, we are not obliged to perform any kind of accessibility.

If you disagree with our interpretation, please contact us by email with the reasons why and we will look into the issue.

 Alona Lifshitz אלונה ליפשיץ